
Hey, I'm Kari.

I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) with a passion for holistic nutrition and fitness that has steadily grown over the past 20 years. My story may begin a lot like yours, seeking out and visiting with many different doctors, and not finding answers. I have dealt with significant digestive issues following a medication prescribed in my 20s. 

After many years of trial and error, reading as many books as I could get my hands on, and taking classes on health and nutrition, I found that changing the way that I fueled my body was key. Using nutrient-dense, whole foods and adding healthy lifestyle habits made me feel better for the first time in years!

Over the years, I have put into practice all I have learned and finally feel more at peace, physically and mentally. My greatest realization has been the human body’s amazing capabilities of healing itself when set up for success. This journey has inspired me to bring what I have learned to others. I’m happy to say that I’ve found my true calling: learning, teaching, and inspiring others about nutrition in an effort to find balance within their bodies. I can’t wait to share with you!

The education and knowledge I’ve gained through the years has helped me to realize the need to step back and look at each person with bio-individuality, using ancestral wisdom, and scientific research, to approach each person as a whole. I’ve never felt more strongly about the importance of eating healthy, while balancing the body, mind, and spirit.

I live with my husband and three children in the twin cities. I enjoy anything and everything outdoors: hiking, rock climbing, walking, gardening, longboarding, and yoga. I would walk while reading a good book all day, if I could. I love being creative in the kitchen, as well as crafting, creating art and making jewelry.

My Philosophy

I believe that our bodies have the amazing ability to heal, and to know what they want and need. I believe that we should learn to listen closely. I also believe that even though I know a lot about food and nutrition, you are the expert of your own body, so teamwork is key. I want you to feel empowered and confident to support your body through the food you eat and your lifestyle. I know that it can be difficult to sift through all the information/misinformation out there, and to know what is the “best” approach to meet your health goals. This is where I come in: with an educational, non-judgmental approach, I will thoroughly look over all aspects of your being. Together, we will work to find the missing pieces to  balance in your life. I will do my best to adhere to the NTAs 3-pronged approach to information gathering: through ancestral wisdom, experiental knowledge, and scientific research.

Let food be thy medicine,
thy medicine
shall be thy food.

avocado, chopping board, cooking
home canning, compote, vegetables

Ancestral Wisdom

Using information gathered about indigenous or traditional practices from around the world. This can include ideas from Native American Medicine, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

books, old, worn

Experiential Knowledge

Information we gather from our own experiences and the experiences of others. This can include clinical observations and expert opinions.

biology, research, laboratory

Scientific Research

This includes both historic and modern bodies of scientific work. This is often referred to as evidence-based medicine.